Draft Scientific Document

This document is under active development and subject to significant change at any time. Please do not cite or use the information in any form without contacting the author(s) for additional details.

Josh M. London


This document describes the technical details of tidying satellite telemetry data associated with the Aleutian harbor seal research project. Data from the locations, histos, and behavior tables are tidy’d and joined with seal data from the PEP enterprise database. Data will be made available via an R package and also as *.csv files organized into a ‘data package’ and, eventually, be uploaded to the Arctic Data Center.

required packages

The wcUtils package is available for install from GitHub and the other packages are available for install from CRAN.

if (!require('devtools')) install.packages('devtools')
if (!require('wcUtils')) {


database connections

The deployment data from Wildlife Computers does not include much of the detailed information regarding age, sex, species, etc of the the seal. The DeployID field provides a unique key for associating each deployment with a seal. These data are stored in a local, enterprise database. So, first thing we will do is setup our connection to this database.

con <- dbConnect(RPostgres::Postgres(), 
                 host = Sys.getenv("PEP_IP"),
                 user = keyringr::get_kc_account("pgpep_londonj"),
                 password = keyringr::decrypt_kc_pw("pgpep_londonj"),
                 dbname = "pep")

transform and tidy data

After downloading the deployment archives from the data portal, there are some additional steps we need to take in order to get things ready for analysis. Since each deployment is downloaded as a separate entity, we will combine all deployments into a single data.frame. There are some additional columns (e.g. gpe-* columns) that are not relevant for our work so we’ll remove them.

We also need to extract each of these archive zip files into a temporary directory so we can then pull out the *.csv files of interest

zipfiles <- list.files(here::here("datapack-raw"),
                       pattern = ".zip",full.names = TRUE)
temp_dir <- file.path(tempdir())
for (zipfile in zipfiles) {
  unzip(file.path(zipfile),overwrite = TRUE, exdir = temp_dir)

tidy location data

All deployment archives will have a *-Locations.csv that includes all of the Argos locations for that deployment. Some deployments, however, also include a FastLoc GPS sensor and the archive also includes a *-Locations.csv with GPS quality locations. In those cases where FastLoc GPS data exists, we want to include those data. So, we will need to do some checking of file names within each deployment to sort this out.

# column data type definitions
my_cols <- cols(
  DeployID = col_character(),
  Ptt = col_integer(),
  Instr = col_character(),
  Date = col_datetime("%H:%M:%S %d-%b-%Y"),
  Type = col_character(),
  Quality = col_character(),
  Latitude = col_double(),
  Longitude = col_double(),
  `Error radius` = col_integer(),
  `Error Semi-major axis` = col_integer(),
  `Error Semi-minor axis` = col_integer(),
  `Error Ellipse orientation` = col_integer(),
  Offset = col_character(),
  `Offset orientation` = col_character(),
  `GPE MSD` = col_character(),
  `GPE U` = col_character(),
  Count = col_character(),
  Comment = col_character()

# local functions
# identify ptt value from filename
extract_ptt <- function(fstring) {
  if (nchar(fstring) > 20) {
    ptt <- strsplit(fstring,"-")[[1]][2]
  } else {
    ptt <- strsplit(fstring,"-")[[1]][1]

# identify gps fastloc deployments
fastloc_gps <- function(fstring) {
  if (nchar(fstring) > 20) {
    gps <- TRUE
  } else {
    gps <- FALSE

# make our column names consistent
make_names <- function(x) {
  new_names <- make.names(colnames(x))
  new_names <- gsub("\\.", "_", new_names)
  new_names <- tolower(new_names)
  colnames(x) <- new_names

loc_files <- list.files(temp_dir, pattern = "*-Locations.csv")

# read csv data into a nested dataframe
tbl_locs <- tibble(filename = loc_files) %>%
    file_ptt = map_chr(filename, ~ extract_ptt(.)),
    file_gps = map_lgl(filename, ~ fastloc_gps(.)),
    file_contents = map(filename,
                        ~ read_csv(file.path(temp_dir, .),
                                   col_types = my_cols))

# filter out argos location files that also have gps data files
gps_files <- tbl_locs %>% filter(file_gps)
argos_files <- tbl_locs %>% filter(!file_gps, 
                                   !file_ptt %in% gps_files$file_ptt)

# merge the data back together and clean up for our final table
tbl_locs <- dplyr::bind_rows(gps_files,argos_files) %>% 
  tidyr::unnest() %>% 
  dplyr::select(-(filename),-(file_ptt),-(file_gps),-(Ptt)) %>% 
  make_names() %>%  
  dplyr::rename(date_time = date) %>% 
  dplyr::arrange(deployid, date_time)

## # A tibble: 168,777 x 17
##    deployid instr date_time           type  quality latitude longitude
##    <chr>    <chr> <dttm>              <chr> <chr>      <dbl>     <dbl>
##  1 PV2014_… Mk10  2014-09-02 22:12:21 Argos 0           51.9     -177.
##  2 PV2014_… Mk10  2014-09-02 22:47:59 Argos 1           51.9     -177.
##  3 PV2014_… Mk10  2014-09-02 23:09:44 Argos 2           51.9     -177.
##  4 PV2014_… Mk10  2014-09-02 23:56:41 Argos 1           51.9     -177.
##  5 PV2014_… Mk10  2014-09-03 00:22:46 Argos 2           51.9     -177.
##  6 PV2014_… Mk10  2014-09-03 01:05:42 Argos B           51.9     -177.
##  7 PV2014_… Mk10  2014-09-03 02:13:23 Argos 2           51.9     -177.
##  8 PV2014_… Mk10  2014-09-03 02:22:55 Argos 3           51.9     -177.
##  9 PV2014_… Mk10  2014-09-03 02:40:24 Argos 3           51.9     -177.
## 10 PV2014_… Mk10  2014-09-03 04:03:57 Argos 2           51.9     -177.
## # … with 168,767 more rows, and 10 more variables: error_radius <int>,
## #   error_semi_major_axis <int>, error_semi_minor_axis <int>,
## #   error_ellipse_orientation <int>, offset <chr>,
## #   offset_orientation <chr>, gpe_msd <chr>, gpe_u <chr>, count <chr>,
## #   comment <chr>

The locations data is subject to having consecutive records with duplicate times but slightly different coordinates. We don’t really want to throw out any records, so we’ll just add 1 second to the duplicate record.

make_unique <- function(x) {
  xts::make.time.unique(x$date_time,eps = 1)

tbl_locs <- tbl_locs %>% 
  dplyr::arrange(deployid,date_time) %>% 
  dplyr::group_by(deployid) %>% tidyr::nest() %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(unique_time = purrr::map(data, make_unique)) %>% 
  tidyr::unnest() %>% 
  dplyr::select(-date_time) %>% rename(date_time = unique_time)

Let’s take a look at some basic summary stats on each deployment

tbl_locs %>% group_by(deployid) %>% 
  summarise(num_locs = n(),
            start_date = min(date_time),
            end_date = max(date_time))
## # A tibble: 143 x 4
##    deployid               num_locs start_date          end_date           
##    <chr>                     <int> <dttm>              <dttm>             
##  1 PV2014_2001_10A0193        4917 2014-09-02 22:12:21 2015-04-08 04:31:34
##  2 PV2014_2001_13U0082         526 2014-09-02 22:13:04 2014-12-30 14:32:18
##  3 PV2014_2002_13A0249        5563 2014-09-02 22:00:00 2015-03-30 07:58:21
##  4 PV2014_2002_13U0144         146 2014-09-02 23:56:01 2014-09-19 21:30:38
##  5 PV2014_2003_13U0076         582 2014-09-03 12:39:49 2015-01-25 23:55:45
##  6 PV2014_2003_14A0117        4636 2014-09-02 22:44:00 2015-03-26 01:09:41
##  7 PV2014_2004_14U0268         129 2014-09-03 17:49:47 2015-07-10 17:06:07
##  8 PV2014_2005_10A0199        3821 2014-09-03 01:05:55 2015-04-02 03:40:16
##  9 PV2014_2005_15A0888         440 2016-09-13 03:18:00 2016-10-03 08:57:03
## 10 PV2014_2005_R1_14U0356      226 2016-10-03 04:02:39 2017-05-17 21:33:30
## # … with 133 more rows

The information downloaded from the WCDP does not contain any details regarding the seal the tag was deployed on (e.g. age, sex, release date, end date). We have that data stored seperately and link the information via the assigned deployid value which is present in both data sources. The enddate values have been specified by PEP researchers based on examination of the data. In most cases, the enddate corresponds with the last transmission from the tag. However, some tags may fall of on shore and continue to transmit well after detaching from the seal. We also need to standardise the naming scheme for columns and rely on a custom make_names function to do this.

tbl_locs <- con %>% tbl(dbplyr::in_schema("telem","tag_deployments")) %>% 
  dplyr::collect() %>% 
  dplyr::right_join(tbl_locs, by = 'deployid')

Check to make sure deployment start and end dates are set

check_dates <- tbl_locs %>% filter(is.na(deploy_dt) | is.na(end_dt)) %>% 
  group_by(deployid) %>% 
  summarise(nlocs = n())
## # A tibble: 2 x 2
##   deployid            nlocs
##   <chr>               <int>
## 1 PV2014_2005_15A0888   440
## 2 PV2015_2020_14U0358   622
if(nrow(check_dates) > 0) {
  warning("Some deployments lack start or end dates in the database")

tbl_locs %>% dplyr::filter(!is.na(deploy_dt) & !is.na(end_dt)) %>% 
  rowwise() %>% 
  dplyr::filter(between(date_time,deploy_dt, end_dt))
## Source: local data frame [166,463 x 24]
## Groups: <by row>
## # A tibble: 166,463 x 24
##    speno species deployid serial_num   ptt tag_family deploy_dt          
##    <chr> <chr>   <chr>    <chr>      <int> <chr>      <dttm>             
##  1 PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    37521 SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
##  2 PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    37521 SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
##  3 PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    37521 SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
##  4 PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    37521 SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
##  5 PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    37521 SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
##  6 PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    37521 SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
##  7 PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    37521 SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
##  8 PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    37521 SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
##  9 PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    37521 SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
## 10 PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    37521 SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
## # … with 166,453 more rows, and 17 more variables: end_dt <dttm>,
## #   date_time <dttm>, instr <chr>, type <chr>, quality <chr>,
## #   latitude <dbl>, longitude <dbl>, error_radius <int>,
## #   error_semi_major_axis <int>, error_semi_minor_axis <int>,
## #   error_ellipse_orientation <int>, offset <chr>,
## #   offset_orientation <chr>, gpe_msd <chr>, gpe_u <chr>, count <chr>,
## #   comment <chr>

percent dry timeline data

The percent-dry timeline data tracks the percentage of each hour during the deployment that the tag was dry. This data is mostly used to study haul-out behavior of seals. Since these data are stored within the histos data file structure, some processing needs to happend in order to make these data more analysis friendly.

# column data type definitions
my_cols <- readr::cols(
  DeployID = readr::col_character(),
  Ptt = readr::col_character(),
  DepthSensor = readr::col_character(),
  Source = readr::col_character(),
  Instr = readr::col_character(),
  HistType = readr::col_character(),
  Date = readr::col_datetime("%H:%M:%S %d-%b-%Y"),
  `Time Offset` = readr::col_double(),
  Count = readr::col_integer(),
  BadTherm = readr::col_integer(),
  LocationQuality = readr::col_character(),
  Latitude = readr::col_double(),
  Longitude = readr::col_double(),
  NumBins = readr::col_integer(),
  Sum = readr::col_integer(),
  Bin1 = readr::col_double(),  Bin2 = readr::col_double(), 
  Bin3 = readr::col_double(),  Bin4 = readr::col_double(), 
  Bin5 = readr::col_double(),  Bin6 = readr::col_double(),
  Bin7 = readr::col_double(),  Bin8 = readr::col_double(), 
  Bin9 = readr::col_double(),  Bin10 = readr::col_double(), 
  Bin11 = readr::col_double(), Bin12 = readr::col_double(),
  Bin13 = readr::col_double(), Bin14 = readr::col_double(), 
  Bin15 = readr::col_double(), Bin16 = readr::col_double(), 
  Bin17 = readr::col_double(), Bin18 = readr::col_double(),
  Bin19 = readr::col_double(), Bin20 = readr::col_double(), 
  Bin21 = readr::col_double(), Bin22 = readr::col_double(), 
  Bin23 = readr::col_double(), Bin24 = readr::col_double(),
  Bin25 = readr::col_double(), Bin26 = readr::col_double(), 
  Bin27 = readr::col_double(), Bin28 = readr::col_double(), 
  Bin29 = readr::col_double(), Bin30 = readr::col_double(),
  Bin31 = readr::col_double(), Bin32 = readr::col_double(), 
  Bin33 = readr::col_double(), Bin34 = readr::col_double(), 
  Bin35 = readr::col_double(), Bin36 = readr::col_double(),
  Bin37 = readr::col_double(), Bin38 = readr::col_double(), 
  Bin39 = readr::col_double(), Bin40 = readr::col_double(), 
  Bin41 = readr::col_double(), Bin42 = readr::col_double(),
  Bin43 = readr::col_double(), Bin44 = readr::col_double(), 
  Bin45 = readr::col_double(), Bin46 = readr::col_double(), 
  Bin47 = readr::col_double(), Bin48 = readr::col_double(),
  Bin49 = readr::col_double(), Bin50 = readr::col_double(), 
  Bin51 = readr::col_double(), Bin52 = readr::col_double(), 
  Bin53 = readr::col_double(), Bin54 = readr::col_double(),
  Bin55 = readr::col_double(), Bin56 = readr::col_double(), 
  Bin57 = readr::col_double(), Bin58 = readr::col_double(), 
  Bin59 = readr::col_double(), Bin60 = readr::col_double(),
  Bin61 = readr::col_double(), Bin62 = readr::col_double(), 
  Bin63 = readr::col_double(), Bin64 = readr::col_double(), 
  Bin65 = readr::col_double(), Bin66 = readr::col_double(),
  Bin67 = readr::col_double(), Bin68 = readr::col_double(), 
  Bin69 = readr::col_double(), Bin70 = readr::col_double(), 
  Bin71 = readr::col_double(), Bin72 = readr::col_double()

tbl_percent <- list.files(temp_dir, pattern = "*-Histos.csv",
                          full.names = TRUE) %>% 
  purrr::map(read_csv,col_types = my_cols) %>% 
  dplyr::bind_rows() %>% 
  make_names() %>% 
  dplyr::filter(histtype %in% c("Percent")) %>% 
  dplyr::select(-(bin25:bin72)) %>% 
  dplyr::select(-(ptt)) %>% 
  dplyr::arrange(deployid, date)

## # A tibble: 18,288 x 38
##    deployid depthsensor source instr histtype date               
##    <chr>    <chr>       <chr>  <chr> <chr>    <dttm>             
##  1 PV2014_… 0.500000    Trans… Mk10  Percent  2014-09-02 21:00:00
##  2 PV2014_… 0.500000    Trans… Mk10  Percent  2014-09-03 00:00:00
##  3 PV2014_… 0.500000    Trans… Mk10  Percent  2014-09-04 00:00:00
##  4 PV2014_… 0.500000    Trans… Mk10  Percent  2014-09-05 00:00:00
##  5 PV2014_… 0.500000    Trans… Mk10  Percent  2014-09-06 00:00:00
##  6 PV2014_… 0.500000    Trans… Mk10  Percent  2014-09-07 00:00:00
##  7 PV2014_… 0.500000    Trans… Mk10  Percent  2014-09-08 00:00:00
##  8 PV2014_… 0.500000    Trans… Mk10  Percent  2014-09-09 00:00:00
##  9 PV2014_… 0.500000    Trans… Mk10  Percent  2014-09-10 00:00:00
## 10 PV2014_… 0.500000    Trans… Mk10  Percent  2014-09-11 00:00:00
## # … with 18,278 more rows, and 32 more variables: time_offset <dbl>,
## #   count <int>, badtherm <int>, locationquality <chr>, latitude <dbl>,
## #   longitude <dbl>, numbins <int>, sum <int>, bin1 <dbl>, bin2 <dbl>,
## #   bin3 <dbl>, bin4 <dbl>, bin5 <dbl>, bin6 <dbl>, bin7 <dbl>,
## #   bin8 <dbl>, bin9 <dbl>, bin10 <dbl>, bin11 <dbl>, bin12 <dbl>,
## #   bin13 <dbl>, bin14 <dbl>, bin15 <dbl>, bin16 <dbl>, bin17 <dbl>,
## #   bin18 <dbl>, bin19 <dbl>, bin20 <dbl>, bin21 <dbl>, bin22 <dbl>,
## #   bin23 <dbl>, bin24 <dbl>

Hourly percent-dry data are stored within the first 24 bin columns. Each bin column refers to the hour of the day (bin1 = 00:00-01:00) in UTC time. So, we’ll do some tidying, gathering, mutating and summarizing to create a more meaningful data frame.

## Create a tbl_df that Relates Bin Columns to Day Hours
bins <- tibble(bin = paste("bin",1:24,sep = ""),hour = 0:23)

## Chain Together Multiple Commands to Create Our Tidy Dataset
tbl_percent <- tbl_percent %>% 
  tidyr::gather(bin,percent_dry, starts_with('bin')) %>%
  dplyr::left_join(bins, by = "bin") %>%
  dplyr::rename(date_hour = date) %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(date_hour = date_hour + lubridate::hours(hour)) %>% 
  dplyr::select(deployid,date_hour,percent_dry) %>%
  group_by(deployid, date_hour) %>% 
  summarize(percent_dry = mean(percent_dry)) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
tbl_percent <- con %>% tbl(dbplyr::in_schema("telem","tag_deployments")) %>% 
  dplyr::collect() %>% 
  dplyr::right_join(tbl_percent, by = 'deployid')
## # A tibble: 438,035 x 10
##    speno species deployid serial_num   ptt tag_family deploy_dt          
##    <chr> <chr>   <chr>    <chr>      <int> <chr>      <dttm>             
##  1 PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    37521 SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
##  2 PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    37521 SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
##  3 PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    37521 SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
##  4 PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    37521 SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
##  5 PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    37521 SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
##  6 PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    37521 SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
##  7 PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    37521 SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
##  8 PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    37521 SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
##  9 PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    37521 SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
## 10 PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    37521 SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
## # … with 438,025 more rows, and 3 more variables: end_dt <dttm>,
## #   date_hour <dttm>, percent_dry <dbl>

dive behavior data

The behavior data stream contains all of the information we have regarding dive behavior. There are only a few additional steps that need to be dealt with. We will rename a few columns (count, start, end) so as not to conflict with reservered words in the database.

# column data type definitions
my_cols <- readr::cols_only(
    DeployID = readr::col_character(),
    Ptt = readr::col_character(),
    DepthSensor = readr::col_character(),
    Source = readr::col_character(),
    Instr = readr::col_character(),
    Count = readr::col_integer(),
    Start = readr::col_datetime("%H:%M:%S %d-%b-%Y"),
    End = readr::col_datetime("%H:%M:%S %d-%b-%Y"),
    What = readr::col_character(),
    Number = readr::col_integer(),
    Shape = readr::col_character(),
    DepthMin = readr::col_double(),
    DepthMax = readr::col_double(),
    DurationMin = readr::col_double(),
    DurationMax = readr::col_double(),
    Shallow = readr::col_integer(),
    Deep = readr::col_integer()

tbl_behav <- list.files(temp_dir, pattern = "*-Behavior.csv",
                          full.names = TRUE) %>% 
  purrr::map(read_csv,col_types = my_cols) %>% 
  dplyr::bind_rows() %>% 
  make_names() %>%  
  dplyr::rename(behav_start = start,
                behav_end = end,
                msg_count = count) %>% 
  dplyr::select(-(ptt)) %>% 
  dplyr::arrange(deployid, behav_start)

tbl_behav <- con %>% tbl(dbplyr::in_schema("telem","tag_deployments")) %>% 
  dplyr::collect() %>% 
  dplyr::right_join(tbl_behav, by = 'deployid')
## # A tibble: 1,171,940 x 23
##    speno species deployid serial_num   ptt tag_family deploy_dt          
##    <chr> <chr>   <chr>    <chr>      <int> <chr>      <dttm>             
##  1 PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    37521 SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
##  2 PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    37521 SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
##  3 PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    37521 SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
##  4 PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    37521 SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
##  5 PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    37521 SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
##  6 PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    37521 SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
##  7 PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    37521 SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
##  8 PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    37521 SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
##  9 PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    37521 SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
## 10 PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    37521 SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
## # … with 1,171,930 more rows, and 16 more variables: end_dt <dttm>,
## #   depthsensor <chr>, source <chr>, instr <chr>, msg_count <int>,
## #   behav_start <dttm>, behav_end <dttm>, what <chr>, number <int>,
## #   shape <chr>, depthmin <dbl>, depthmax <dbl>, durationmin <dbl>,
## #   durationmax <dbl>, shallow <int>, deep <int>

The behavior table includes 3 types of data related to the behavior timeline: Message,Surface, and Dive. To make it easier to work with, we will create a nested tibble that is split by these three behavior message types.

dive behavior data

tbl_behav_nest <- tbl_behav %>% group_by(what) %>% nest()
tbl_behav_dive <- tbl_behav_nest %>% 
  dplyr::filter(what == "Dive") %>% 
  tidyr::unnest() %>% 

tbl_behav_dive <- tbl_behav_dive %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(end_dt = ifelse(is.na(end_dt), Sys.time(), end_dt)) %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(end_dt = as.POSIXct(end_dt,
                              tz = "UTC",
                              origin = "1970-01-01"))

## # A tibble: 532,805 x 22
##    what  speno species deployid serial_num tag_family deploy_dt          
##    <chr> <chr> <chr>   <chr>    <chr>      <chr>      <dttm>             
##  1 Dive  PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
##  2 Dive  PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
##  3 Dive  PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
##  4 Dive  PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
##  5 Dive  PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
##  6 Dive  PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
##  7 Dive  PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
##  8 Dive  PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
##  9 Dive  PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
## 10 Dive  PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
## # … with 532,795 more rows, and 15 more variables: end_dt <dttm>,
## #   depthsensor <chr>, source <chr>, instr <chr>, msg_count <int>,
## #   behav_start <dttm>, behav_end <dttm>, number <int>, shape <chr>,
## #   depthmin <dbl>, depthmax <dbl>, durationmin <dbl>, durationmax <dbl>,
## #   shallow <int>, deep <int>

surface behavior data

tbl_behav_surf <- tbl_behav_nest %>% 
  dplyr::filter(what == "Surface") %>% 
  tidyr::unnest() %>% 

tbl_behav_surf <- tbl_behav_surf %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(end_dt = ifelse(is.na(end_dt), Sys.time(), end_dt)) %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(end_dt = as.POSIXct(end_dt,
                              tz = "UTC",
                              origin = "1970-01-01"))

## # A tibble: 532,532 x 22
##    what  speno species deployid serial_num tag_family deploy_dt          
##    <chr> <chr> <chr>   <chr>    <chr>      <chr>      <dttm>             
##  1 Surf… PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
##  2 Surf… PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
##  3 Surf… PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
##  4 Surf… PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
##  5 Surf… PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
##  6 Surf… PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
##  7 Surf… PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
##  8 Surf… PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
##  9 Surf… PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
## 10 Surf… PV20… Pv      PV2014_… 10A0193    SPLA       2014-09-02 14:29:00
## # … with 532,522 more rows, and 15 more variables: end_dt <dttm>,
## #   depthsensor <chr>, source <chr>, instr <chr>, msg_count <int>,
## #   behav_start <dttm>, behav_end <dttm>, number <int>, shape <chr>,
## #   depthmin <dbl>, depthmax <dbl>, durationmin <dbl>, durationmax <dbl>,
## #   shallow <int>, deep <int>

create export data files

We are going to create two types of export data files: comma-separated files and R data files. The comma-separated files will be stored within the data package (and, eventually, archived with the Arctic Data Center). The R data files will be stored within the data directory of this R package so data can be easily accessilbe by R users. Future versions of the R package will include an install_data function that will pull data form the Arctic Data Center instead of distributing with the R package.

readr::write_csv(tbl_locs, path = 'aleutpv_tbl_locs.csv')
readr::write_csv(tbl_percent, path = 'aleutpv_tbl_percent.csv')
readr::write_csv(tbl_behav_dive, path = 'aleutpv_tbl_behav_dive.csv')
readr::write_csv(tbl_behav_surf, path = 'aleutpv_tbl_behav_surf.csv')

save(tbl_locs, file = '../data/tbl_locs.rda')
save(tbl_percent, file = '../data/tbl_percent.rda')
save(tbl_behav_dive, file = '../data/tbl_behav_dive.rda')
save(tbl_behav_surf, file = '../data/tbl_behav_surf.rda')