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pathroutr 0.2.1
- now calls igraph::shortest_path() directly instead of {sfnetworks} wrappers
- additional updates aimed at improving speed
pathroutr 0.2.0
- switched from {stplanr} to {sfnetworks} for network creation and shortest path calc
- implement use of sfnetworks::st_network_blend() to identify start/end node points for shortest path
- added additional check when creating the shortest path
to ensure direction is correct
- updated both vignettes to reflect changes
- removed function
; now uses prt_extend_path()
pathroutr 0.1.1
- added AK harbor seal demo vignette
- add prt_trim() to remove starting and ending points that are w/in barrier
- improvements and re-factoring of core functions
- added prt_reroute() as a convenience wrapper
- continued improvement of documentation
- specified version requirements for R (4.0+) and some packages
- initial beta release and archive created
pathroutr 0.1.0
- fleshed out the basic ideas and created initial pkgdown site
- {sf} and {stplanr} packages form foundation for the work
- demo vignette added to demonstrate core idea and approach
pathroutr 0.0.1
- Intial creation of the package and draft implementation ideas
created to demonstrate workflow